April Fool’s … Not! No joker here.
Hello, and welcome to my book launch. Coincidentally, it’s also April 1st, traditionally called April Fool’s Day by pundits. But this is no April Fool’s joke. Far from it. I’d like to extend an invite to all, one that promises something far better and more satisfying. No practical jokes.
I’m launching my WW2 thriller, Stealth, and I’d like you to be a part of the excitement. To start things off, check out “Velocipede,” an audio sample from the book, with voice narration performed by Ron Hughes.
But don’t stop there.
- Invite a friend to subscribe to my newsletter and he/she will be entered in a draw to win a $50.00 Amazon gift certificate and—when you tell me who you sweet-talked —you’ll be entered as well!
- And that’s not all! For those already following my blogposts, you’re eligible to receive a complimentary eBook: POW #74324, a biography of a WW2 veteran—my father. How? It’s easy. Simply reply via email, ask for the eBook, and I’ll send you a free copy.
- So, let’s get on with the launch and stay tuned for more updates.
- Follow me on Facebook or on Instagram.