Jack wasn’t willing to give in without a fight and so he pushed his throttles to the stops. Coupled with his descent, he was able to squeeze a few more miles per hour out of the old bird. But as impressive as that was, with the airspeed indicator climbing past three hundred miles per hour, it wasn’t enough. His two Pratt & Whitney radial engines, each producing a respectable 1,900 horsepower, were no match for the thrust of the Jumo turbojets.
With each passing second, the German bomber not only pulled away, but clearly outdistanced its pursuer—and doing so while climbing.
With his mouth open, Jack watched in disbelief as he gazed at Germany’s marvel of aeronautic engineering. He had of course seen the stolen schematics Fritz had supplied, and in fact he’d studied them in detail, but nothing could have prepared him for this. This truly was a remarkable feat of innovation, designed, not by proven engineers, but by two unknown brothers-The Hortens.
It is going to be a great read. Siert