The Foundling is the continuation (fifth book) in the Hussar’s Love series, originally written by German author Karl May. In the opening to the book, the reader is transported to the Middle East, Algiers. As the two characters, Abu Hassan and his brother Saadi, meet in an out-of-the-way coffee shop, they are delighted to catch a local storyteller’s performance of The Moorish Prince.
This is a beautiful poem, originally penned in German by Ferdinand Freiligrath (1810-1876) and later translated into English by Charles Brooks. It really is enchanting tale that brings the reader into the mysterious reaches of the far east, in this case, Algiers.
You may be wondering when this next book, The Foundling, will become available. Good question. The work is currently at the editing stage, although, as you may imagine, there are always distractions and obstacles for any writer. Case in point, a sixteen-month old toddler, who loves to grab any book or pamphlet within her reach. She isn’t quite up to reading yet, but that won’t stop her from trying.